My Online School

Grade 4 Curriculum


Chapter 1: Word Recognition & Understanding
Chapter 2: Reading Comprehension & Response
Chapter 3: English: Literary Terms
Chapter 4:  Reading Literary Texts
Chapter 5: Reading Informational Texts
Chaper 6: Stories, Myths & Speeches
Chapter 7: Poetry
Chapter 8: Parts of Speech
Chapter 9: Vocabulary & Language
Chapter 10: Capitalization, Punctuation & Spelling
Chapter 11: Sentence Parts & Types
Chapter 12: Writing Basics & TechniquesWriting Basics & Techniques
Chapter 13: Types of Writing
Chapter 14: Speaking & Listening


Chapter 1: Numbers & Number Sense
Chapter 2: Multiples of Whole Numbers
Chapter 3: Understanding Fractions
Chapter 4: Understanding Decimals ddition & Subtraction  
Chapter 5: Addition & SubtractionAddition
Chapter 6: Multiplication Strategies & Mental Math
Chapter 7: Understanding Division
Chapter 8: Arithmetic With Money
Chapter 9:  Word Problems & Equations
Chapter 10:  Lines, Angles & Shapes
Chapter 11: Measurement Units & Conversions Measurement Units & Conversions
Chapter 12:  Measurement Problems
Chapter 13:  Representing Data


Chapter 1: Scientific Investigation
Chapter 2: Atoms, Elements & Solutions
Chapter 3: Matter Properties & Changes
Chapter 4: Energy Types & Changes
Chapter 5: Waves & Sound
Chapter 6: Electricity
Chapter 7: The Solar System
Chapter 8: The Planets
Chapter 9: Geology
Chapter 10: Weathering & Erosion
Chapter 11: Rock Properties & Types
Chapter 12: The Atmosphere
Chapter 13: Weather & Climate
Chapter 14:  Ecosystems
Chapter 15: Living Things & Life Cycles
Chapter 16: The Human Body
Chapter 17: The Circulatory System Circulatory

Social Studies

Chapter 1: Tools for Geography
Chapter 2: Mountains of the World
Chapter 3:  Geography of Western Europe
Chapter 4: The Middle Ages & European Feudalism
Chapter 5: England in the Middle Ages
Chapter 6: The French & Indian War
Chapter 7: Causes of the American Revolution

Plants and Animals

Various Lessons