My Online School

Welcome to My Online School

Home School Video Based Resource for Grades 4-10


Since 2022, My Online School, affiliated with  Pass GED Academy , has successfully launched an award winning video based home school program. My Online School is not a virtual online school but an online educational program. It is overwhelmingly popular with parents who have students from Grade 4-10. We feel you too would be thrilled with the excellent content and support we offer.
  • My Online School powered by, is an award winning American based home school program and has been in the field of education for over 20 years
  • This self paced home school program is used and loved by over 30 million parents and tutors each month.
  • Engaging videos with transcripts, quizzes, flash cards and practise tests and so much more
  • Progress is so easy to monitor, parents and tutors love the program
  • Very reasonably priced and students can enroll all year round.
  •  Free Trials available to try the program out
  • Ideal for students working towards their GED or other Grade 12 options
  • My Online School is ideal for home schooled students aged 9 onward or Grades 4-10
  • Students will find the program very comprehensive and user friendly and it will provide a very well rounded education before studying for their GED or other Grade 12 options 
  • Created with home schoolers in mind, and a an ideal curriculum for tutoring centres to utilise for their students 
  • Parents or tutors can easily monitor progress from another computer and see strengths and weaknesses in their student. See Sample Videos.
  • Feedback is instant and certificates of completion issued
All students under the age of 15 need to be registered by the Department of Education.
 Please feel free to read the Policy on Home Education. To briefly summarise:
The primary Educator must be the parent who takes full responsibility for the education of the child. 
The parent may choose to offer any curriculum that will be of a standard not inferior to the standard of education provided at public schools.
Pestalozzi Trust is the legal arm of home schooling in South Africa and you will benefit from their expertise. We suggest you register with them if they are younger than 15. 
To register your child for homeschooling if they are under the age of 15 you can register on this link for free.
  • Over 30 000 engaging video lessons with fun quizzes and online exams covering all subjects and grade levels.
  • See student Experience
  • Quizzes and  practise tests are automatically marked showing areas of strength and weakness
  • No textbooks required
  • Printable lesson transcripts for students to study offline.
  • Progress easy to monitor and certificates of completion are issued.
  • Self paced, user friendly and reasonably priced.
  • Enroll anytime of year
  • 2,000,000 popular homework questions and answers with step-by-step solutions
  • Accessible anytime, anywhere with a mobile app.
  • After paying the enrollment fee, the student is emailed the log on details within 24 hours. Enroll Now
  • Switch Grades at any time at no extra cost

Each subject has 100-150 video based lessons with a quiz, transcript and worksheet that can be printed out for every lesson.

  • English
  • Maths
  • Earth Science
  • Physical Science
  • Life Science
  • Biology
  • Physical Science
  • English Literature
  • Geography
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • World History
  • Social Studies
  • Drama
  • Music Theory

The cost for a year on My Online School is R4500 which includes all

subjects, exams and assessments plus our support.

Terms are available for students to pay via Payfast quarterly or monthly.

After doing Grade 4-10 on our program, students can enroll on Pass GED Academy to do their GED which is evaluated by SAQA as a Grade 12. Students can then apply at tech, college or do a Higher Certificate. Most international universities will accept a GED.
For students wanting to go to university in South Africa, they can join Cambricollege .
Cambricollege is our sister school and enables students to start from Grade 8 and work towards their IGCSE exams.


“Studies have shown that the human brain processes videos 60 000 times faster than it does text! In a nutshell, videos are good teachers.”

Recent Awards

Client Testimonials

I have four grandkids that are your students and I know they are doing REMARKABLY WELL on My Online School and enjoying school! I am very impressed. Thank you for your help thus far.
My Online School was an absolute game-changer for my son. We had no idea what to expect and yet it was so much more than I could have hoped for. He really hated school and yet I did not have to tell him even once this year to go and work. He was up and at it at 8 am every morning, and I gave him the freedom to choose his subjects per day and work out how many he needs to do for the breaks he wanted to plan. No mess, no fuss, no sweat, no tears. WOW, really didn't know that was possible!
Just wanted to let you know that I am loving this program. It is so easy to work with and such a beautiful way to teach my daughter with no pressure. It can be so confusing to know which homeschool program will work best for our situation and am so glad I chose My Online School. It has been such an easy adjustment. My daughter is so happy and is enjoying this teaching method too, Thank you for all your help and advise.